

英漢字典: go wrong

1. take the wrong road travelling走錯路

    We must have gone wrong somewhere;we should have reached the village by now. 我們一定在什麼地方走錯了路,這個時候我們本應到達那個村子了。

2. live immorally墮落

    What's the best way to help young girls who go wrong?什麼是幫助失足少女的最好方法?

    If you follow my advice you can't go wrong. 你聽我的話不會錯。

3. fail失敗

    All his plans went wrong. 他所有的計劃都落空了。

    The sum is wrong,but I can't see where I went wrong. 總數不對,可我看不出我錯在哪裡。

4. have a fault有毛病(錯誤)

    Something has gone wrong with my car. 我的車子出了毛病。

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